Passion for Fashion

In purest form, fashion - is body art. I delight in mine like a gladiator savors armor. Uniquely to most clothes-horses, I actually wear every single garment that hangs in my closets or I dispose of it through charity or eBay. Like the good little obsessive compulsive I am, every complete ensemble is recorded in a Word document with a coded system for when I last wore it & how well it was received. My wardrobe remains a source of pride & an outlet for creative expression - I relish “shopping in my closets” to develop versions of this season’s hottest trends.

Being different from others, I consider it important to always present better than expected. I learned that insight from a very wise older african american male who found a way to succeed in business amidst the extreme racial prejudice of the 1960s & 70s: he never went anywhere without a necktie - regardless of temperature or circumstances. He once told me: “If I was in a shirt and tie: I was always a ‘black man’. Without it, I was easily considered to be much less.” I agree with the precept: “clothes don't make the person”. However, they do make up about 90% of what people see of us. Since lots of people are initially challenged getting past my transsexualism in the world of business, it's beneficial to divert their attention to a classy ensemble.

A running joke amongst my female friends was I'd have been worth marrying - just for unlimited access to my closets. Most women only think they have a ton of clothes & accessories: until they visit my closets. Took years to assemble my wardrobe and as any trans-gal knows: with our unique size issues? Developing first-class ensembles is a tough proposition. Naturally, being the inherently cheap-bitch that I am, I bought 99% of it second-hand from eBay. I could never afford this array at anywhere near retail.